Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Missed a day...

Back in February, my mother-in-law, brought home these little guys:
They were so sweet and fluffy.  I loved having them sit on my lap as I watched TV.  Slowly they grew and were not so sweet anymore (or fluffy). **Disclaimer - I'm not anti chicken, it's just that sometimes they can be a bit moody.**

And before we knew it, they had grown into this:

Overall, they're fine.  They're a bit funny, and can be cute at times (not at  4AM when you're trying to sleep though.)  And the 2 hens (one is not pictured) started laying eggs as well; it is really nice having fresh, organic eggs every day. 
The laying has been going on for a few months, and every day, it never fails: we get 2 eggs.  But last week, my brother-in-law noticed that the chickens only gave one egg.  
Strange that one laid and the other didn't.  
The next day, we realized why it took the poor hen 2 days to get it out:

Far left: the egg that took 2 days.

Haven't decided if it's going to be fried, scrambled, or sunny side up.